Website Security
Agency, Web Design, Websites

October 2017. All Websites Will Need SSL for “Secure” Label in Chrome.

In October Google will begin to label all HTTP pages as non-secure.

The issue of Internet security is one which is already of utmost importance to anyone involved in hosting, designing or using websites. As the next wave of web interaction unfurls, with developments such as the Internet of Things, and the wider economy moves inexorably toward being completely cashless, the question of security is likely to become ever more central. It is this direction of travel which Google is reflecting in its treatment of HTTP sites.

Since launching Chrome, Google has been attempting to persuade more and more sites to shift to the security of HTTPS, and its latest version, launching in October, is going to take this process one step further. When that happens, it will display’Not secure’ in red, which is at the moment only used for broken HTTPS.

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